Check-In Time: 8:30am Start time: 9:00am
Harlan Guthrie, Event Director
Phone: 918/293-9346
NOTE: $5 Charge per person participating, make payment at event during check-in. Sessions will be at 9am, noon & 3pm. Coaches will receive an email confirmation prior to event with the times and lane assignments for their team.
- Singles Bowling Registration Form
- Name Reg: Delegation Name Area Event. Example: 07.Owasso Rams Singles Bowling Tulsa
- Submit Singles Bowling Registration Form
- Advancement to Higher Level Traditional Bowling Competition
- There is a $5 per Athlete charge for Bowling
- The Bowling Director will advance Area scores on to Winter Games competition.
- There is a $5 per Athlete charge for Bowling
- ALL athletes competing in an Area Traditional Bowling event are eligible to advance to the Sectional Traditional Bowling Tournament which will be held in January in Norman in conjunction with Winter Games.
- The Bowling Director will advance Area scores on to Winter Games competition.
- All 1st place winners at Winter Games Sectional Bowling qualify to advance to compete at the Summer Games Traditional Bowling Tournament in May.
- The Bowling Director will advance Sectional scores on to Summer Games competition.
- You must enter Winter Games, scores are advanced but you must submit Winter Games Registration by December 1, 2023.